Eat Dinner and Still Lose Weight: The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Eating
According to SHAHEDNEWS, Some people have the misconception that eating food at night causes weight gain, but this is not true. The reality is that skipping dinner can affect your health. In fact, to lose weight and maintain fitness, you should never skip main meals. On the contrary, you should take advantage of them, but not in any way— you must make wise choices. In this section, we will introduce foods that can help you maintain your weight and stay fit.
Maintaining a healthy weight
Pay attention to the timing of dinner
If you want to eat at night without gaining weight, preparing a light dinner and having a precise eating schedule is very important. The best idea is to have dinner at least two or three hours before going to bed.
Forget about skipping meals
We don’t have to deprive ourselves of food; instead, we should learn to be moderate and prioritize foods that not only benefit our health but also our appearance.
Experts suggest that it is better to have around 5 to 6 small meals a day, containing protein and vitamins, such as those from vegetables and fruits. If you want to lose weight, not only should you pay attention to how you eat, but you should also consider your daily activity level. In this regard, it is worth noting that a sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to health.
Pay attention to portion sizes
The size of your meals is one of the key factors in weight loss. Some recommended tips include:
To avoid overeating, serve the amount of food you plan to eat on a plate.
Keep the most tempting foods, like candy, chips, and cookies, out of sight.
Eat fruits and healthy snacks between meals, because if you stay hungry until dinner, you may end up eating more than you intended.
Consume fewer carbohydrates at dinner
Avoid consuming high-carbohydrate foods at night, such as rice, pasta, potatoes, cereals, and bread. This is because they contain a lot of calories that the body won’t need at that time.
On the other hand, remember that food distribution is as important as portion sizes, and ideally, dinner should consist of 50% easily digestible carbohydrates, such as vegetables, along with 20% lean protein and 30% healthy fats, such as avocado, nuts, or olive oil.
A few delicious meal suggestions for a diet-friendly dinner
Chicken and boiled eggs
Eggs are rich in protein and essential amino acids, which help with better satiety. When boiled or cooked, they make for a light dinner. Therefore, avoid fried foods at night.
Turkey with pumpkin puree
Turkey is an excellent source of tryptophan and healthy protein, and it is easier to digest than chicken. Additionally, choose pumpkin puree as a side dish, as this nutritious and low-calorie vegetable is a great option.
White and fatty fish are great options for enjoying a healthy and nutritious dinner. Some people recommend consuming white fish, as fatty fish contain more fat compounds and are better suited for lunch. However, what truly matters is how it is cooked. For example, fried fish is not the same as grilled fish.