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Is Climbing Stairs Considered a Workout?

2025-01-04 12:48:57
SHAHEDNEWS: Using stairs, whenever possible, is a quick and simple way to escape a sedentary lifestyle and increase physical activity. Stairs are usually available everywhere, making them much more accessible than going to the gym or entering sports fields. Stay with us to learn about the benefits and restrictions of stair climbing.

According to SHAHEDNEWS, Studies have shown that climbing stairs is considered a strenuous activity. Burning calories, reducing the risk of stroke, improving cardiovascular health, and strengthening muscles are some of the health benefits of stair climbing. However, all these benefits can only be achieved if you don't have any issues with your knees or other joints. Otherwise, you should consult with a doctor before using stairs.

Benefits of Climbing Stairs

Burns More Calories Than Running

Studies have shown that climbing stairs burns more calories than running. Climbing stairs uses 8 to 9 times more energy than sitting and 7 times more energy than using an elevator. The more you weigh, the more calories you burn while climbing stairs.

Reduces the Risk of Stroke

Research has shown that climbing stairs can reduce the risk of stroke. For example, in men who climbed stairs about 3 to 5 times a day, a 29% reduction in the long-term risk of stroke was observed.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Climbing stairs, being a form of intense exercise, benefits cardiovascular health and improves it in the long run. Decades of research have shown that regular exercise helps maintain heart health and can prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Strengthens Muscles

Which parts of your body do you think are most engaged when climbing stairs? All the muscles in your legs, along with the movement in your abdominal area and arms. Additionally, your back muscles are also involved in this activity. All of these contribute to strengthening and maintaining the skeletal system's health. Since using skeletal muscles helps increase metabolism, it can also lead to calorie burning and more weight loss over time.
Moreover, lean muscle mass increases, and muscle strength improves. Research has shown that using skeletal muscles has an incredible impact on improving blood sugar levels, which is effective in preventing and managing diabetes. Additionally, improving overall skeletal muscle health can help reduce arthritis pain, which is especially troublesome for overweight individuals.

A Simple Way to Combat Sedentary Living

Numerous studies have highlighted the impact of a sedentary lifestyle in today's world as a key factor in the global rise of obesity. Using stairs, whenever possible, is a quick and simple way to escape a sedentary lifestyle and add physical activity and movement to daily life. Even adding just 15 minutes of aerobic exercise to a sedentary routine can increase life expectancy by up to three years.

Tips for Using Stairs

  • If the height of the stairs is higher than the standard, it can cause more harm, especially when going down the stairs. The risk is greater when descending.

  • If there are many stairs, it can also put significant strain on the knee joints.

  • Even if the stairs are standard, it is recommended that individuals ascend them step by step. This means placing the right foot on the second step, then the left foot on the second step, and continuing in this manner. Until the second floor, you can continue climbing the stairs this way, as the muscle fatigue won't exert too much pressure on you yet.

  • If you have heart problems, it’s better to take a short rest at each landing, after climbing seven to eight steps. If you suffer from back or knee pain and have to use the stairs in the absence of an elevator, it’s better to climb the stairs sideways. Lean against the wall and ascend one step at a time in this manner.

For whom is using stairs harmful?

The full benefits of climbing stairs are only possible if you don't have any issues with your spine or knees. Otherwise, be sure to consult a doctor about using stairs.

Descending stairs can be a threat for individuals with knee arthritis, herniated discs, or severe osteoporosis. These individuals don't face major issues when climbing stairs, but they should be cautious and move slowly while holding onto the handrails to avoid irritating their joints. The greatest risk occurs when they try to move quickly downward, as doing so can put heavy strain on the ankle joints, knees, and lumbar discs.

  برچسب ها: Climbing Stairs Workout