Amazing Benefits of Strawberries for Skin and Hair
According to SHAHEDNEWS, Facial skin is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. Both men and women need to protect their skin. Many people opt for surgical procedures to do this. It is true that the speed of achieving beauty and skin radiance is faster with surgical methods, but the risk is also higher. On the other hand, those who want to use fruits or herbal substances for their skin must follow certain guidelines. One of the potential issues is skin allergies. Strawberries, besides their delicious taste, can serve as a natural ingredient for skin and hair beauty. All you need to know is how to use them properly.
The Benefits of Strawberries for Skin and Hair Health
Eliminating Facial Acne with Strawberries
Since strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, they may help reduce some of the inflammation associated with acne. Some small, reliable studies have shown promising results regarding acne and SAP, although more research is needed.
Minimizing Pores with Strawberries
Your skin naturally produces millions of new cells daily, and it can be said that every 30 to 40 days, the skin completely regenerates. However, after the age of 30, this natural skin regeneration process significantly slows down. At this stage, you can greatly help your skin by using a strawberry mask. Strawberries contain a large amount of salicylic acid, which can rid your skin of dead cells, resulting in smoother skin, minimized pores, and a brighter complexion.
Strawberry as a Gentle Exfoliator
This fruit is a very gentle exfoliator that can remove all dirt and impurities from the skin. As a result, if there is any inflammation or redness on your skin, it will eliminate it. Strawberries can be an excellent cleansing mask to clean and soften your face.
Anti-Aging Benefits of Strawberries
The antioxidants in strawberries prevent damage to collagen and the formation of wrinkles. Vitamin C and other antioxidants in strawberries delay the aging process. The lycopene in strawberries fights skin aging factors. In addition to eating strawberries, you can use them in a facial beauty mask to maximize their anti-aging benefits. Mix one and a half cups of mashed strawberries with one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of cream to form a paste. Apply this paste evenly to your face and neck, leave it on for 20 to 25 minutes, then rinse off with cold water.
Strawberries as a Natural Skin Softener
This fruit contains ellagic acid, an antioxidant that boosts collagen production in the skin, protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, and therefore keeps the skin soft and flexible.
Treating Dry Skin with Strawberries
Strawberry oil has moisturizing properties that help repair and protect the skin. With the help of strawberry oil, you can enhance your skin's hydration.
If You Want Silky Hair, Eat Strawberries
From today, don't throw away ripe and mashed strawberries, as you can use them to treat some hair problems. If you want shiny and lustrous hair, use a mixture of strawberries and mayonnaise. Mash at least 7 to 8 ripe strawberries and then add one tablespoon of mayonnaise, mixing well until the mixture becomes sticky. Now, apply this mixture to all your hair and cover it with a shower cap. Wait for about 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse your hair and shampoo as usual. Be sure, the effect of this mixture is incredible. You've actually used a natural strawberry blend to instantly shine your hair; strawberries are an excellent conditioner for your hair.