Cold Sweat and Essential Tips for Managing It
According to SHAHEDNEWS, Sweating is a natural function of the body. You typically sweat because your body gets hot and needs to cool down, such as when the weather is very hot, when you exercise outdoors, or when you feel anxious or scared. However, sometimes the body experiences something called cold sweat. Cold sweat is a different story! In fact, cold sweat involves many complex parts of the human body.
Although the term "cold sweat" is not a real medical diagnosis and there is still much to discuss and interpret about this phenomenon, doctors understand what patients mean when they describe their experience with cold sweat.
Normally, sweating is the body's response to many external and internal factors. Normal sweating cools the body through evaporation and occurs in response to heat or intense physical activity. However, cold sweat is relatively different. The term "cold sweat" can be used to describe shivering, night sweats, or diaphoresis (which occurs in response to illness or medication). In general, experts believe cold sweat happens when you start sweating, but feel cold. This makes cold sweat somewhat different from regular sweating, where you sweat and feel warm or normal.
What Causes Cold Sweat?
There are many reasons for cold sweating. Generally, these causes are linked to infections, fever, or other underlying health conditions, such as a heart attack or low blood sugar. This type of sweating can also be a sign of hormonal changes after pregnancy or stress. Additionally, you may find yourself in situations where you have a fever and feel hot, or even have an infection. Cold sweating due to infections or cancer is much less commonly seen. It has been noted that you don't feel cold initially. You sweat first, and then the evaporation of fluids from your skin causes the cold feeling.
What is Cold Sweating Like and How Does It Feel?
Like all other aspects of this topic, this question doesn't have a clear or specific answer. However, generally, you may experience the following:
Moist skin and palms
A feeling of pain and discomfort
Tips to Reduce Cold Sweats
Keeping all of this in mind, there are several methods you can use to prevent night sweats:
Cotton is highly breathable, which is why many people wear cotton shirts in the summer. This allows air to circulate and lets the body breathe, helping to cool you down while you sleep.
One of the causes of cold sweating is stress and anxiety. The best way to reduce stress before bed is to read a book or listen to calming music.
Cold Sweat Treatment with Home Remedies
If you suffer from cold sweats, there are ways to deal with it. Keep in mind that cold sweating is often not the main issue but rather a symptom of a larger problem. If cold sweats occur regularly, it’s best to consult a doctor for a full diagnosis. While some causes of cold sweats, like an allergic reaction or fever, may be relatively minor, others, such as toxic shock syndrome, can be very serious and should be diagnosed and treated.
There are several ways to stop or at least reduce the effects of cold sweats. As mentioned, if your cold sweats are stress-related, the best way to handle them is by reducing stress. Find something that helps you relax and use it to reduce your stress levels.
People do yoga outdoors: Focusing and practicing yoga may help reduce stress, which can decrease cold sweats.
Keeping your skin clean and dry: Regular baths and using antibacterial soap can help reduce cold sweats. Ensuring your skin dries properly, protecting it, and preventing bacteria buildup can help manage discomfort caused by cold sweats.
Alternating shoes: Wearing different shoes on different days can help people with sweaty feet keep their feet dry and reduce odor.
Wearing moisture-absorbing socks: Wool socks and socks designed for sports tend to absorb more moisture and are useful for people experiencing cold sweats.
Finding ways to relax: Yoga, meditation, and biofeedback techniques can help reduce some of the stress that leads to cold sweating.
Adjusting your diet: Some foods and drinks, like caffeine, can increase sweating, so reducing their consumption can help reduce the severity of cold sweats.