The Best Exercises for Kidney Disease Patients
According to SHAHEDNEWS, The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the body, responsible for eliminating waste and excess fluids through urine. The kidneys may be damaged for various reasons. Exercise and physical activity are beneficial for some kidney patients, including kidney transplant and dialysis patients, among others. However, these patients cannot engage in all types of exercise and can only perform certain exercises, as recommended by their doctor, which we have listed in this section.
Suitable Exercises for Kidney Patients
A good exercise program includes three different types of exercise: cardiovascular/aerobic (for the heart, lungs, and blood vessels), strength training (for muscles), and stretching exercises for flexibility. Each of these has different benefits for body health and should be incorporated into your routine.
Warming Up and Cooling Down
All exercises should always begin with a gentle warm-up, using some light cardiovascular activities (such as a slow walk) for about 10 minutes. Then, you can work harder for a while, and before finishing the workout, reduce the intensity again to cool down. End the exercise with some stretching movements.
Cardiovascular Exercise
First, think about which type of exercise you enjoy the most. Continuous exercises like walking or cycling use large muscles, especially the legs, and are beneficial for the whole body, leaving you feeling good.
The goal is to exercise continuously for 30 minutes. However, if you can't do this right away, it's okay. You can gradually increase your time each week. You can also have two 15-minute sessions or three 10-minute sessions per day instead of one 30-minute session.
Walking is an ideal and great exercise to start with, and most people enjoy it. Although some people may prefer to do something else, like cycling, swimming, or using gym equipment, it depends on the individual. It's also possible to combine different types of exercise on different days.
Strength Training Exercises
For strength training, individuals use weights or dumbbells to strengthen their muscles, and this exercise is beneficial for the whole body. Kidney patients often suffer from muscle weakness, and strength exercises can help address this issue. Building strong muscles helps you perform other exercises and daily activities with greater ease.
Stretching Exercises
Almost all patients can do stretching exercises. Joint flexibility and maintaining the range of motion are very important, and flexible limbs help with carrying out daily activities as well as making exercise easier. Here are some tips for stretching exercises:
Stretch to the point where you feel tension without causing pain.
Hold the position for 20-30 seconds and, after 10 seconds, deepen the stretch slightly.
Keep your body in a good posture while stretching, breathe normally, and avoid holding your breath.
Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic exercise increases your heart rate and helps with deeper breathing. Some types of aerobic exercises include walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, and more. You can do aerobic exercises with a friend or while watching your favorite TV show to make it more enjoyable.