SHAHEDNEWS: Men have a shorter lifespan than women and die earlier, but this difference in lifespan has reasons that were published by experts at the California Health Center.
According to SHAHEDNEWS, It is known that based on statistics and research, it has been proven that women live longer than men, with men’s lifespan being about 5 to 7 years shorter than women’s. With a little attention to your surroundings, you will certainly notice this fact and observe the gender gap in terms of age and lifespan. In general, the average human lifespan is reported to be 78 years, 9 months, and 15 days, with men typically living 5 years less than women. The medical research center at Columbia University has discovered the reasons for women's longer lifespan compared to men.
One of the reasons for men's shorter lifespan compared to women is related to the shape and function of the male brain's frontal lobe, which is responsible for personality traits, problem-solving, emotions, focus, judgment, speech, and voluntary movements. This part of the brain develops slower in boys and men compared to women, which is why men are more likely to die in car accidents or lose their lives due to high-risk behaviors such as excessive alcohol consumption and drug use.
The number of men working in tough jobs surpasses that of women in these conditions. As you know, demanding jobs in society, such as firefighting, construction work, and similar occupations, are almost 99 percent held by men.
In fact, men are 50% more likely to develop and die from heart disease than women. One of the reasons could be the lack of estrogen in men's bodies. Additionally, other issues such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol have also been reported as factors contributing to men's mortality.
It might be interesting to know that among animals and living creatures, those that are larger in size and weight tend to die earlier than smaller ones. Although this factor is still unknown in humans, statistics show that it is related to men's lifespan.
Despite the fact that women experience depression more often than men, men are more likely to commit suicide and at a younger age. Although women seek treatment for depression and mental health issues at a much higher rate, men, due to lower tolerance, tend to resort to more dangerous ways to escape.
For reasons not yet fully understood, men tend to have weaker social connections compared to women, and this is one of the reasons included in this list.
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, men are much more likely to avoid health tests and regular check-ups, whereas most women visit a doctor at least once a year.
Adverse conditions begin earlier for men. The Y chromosome undergoes changes and mutations more quickly and frequently than the X chromosome, and the lack of a secondary X chromosome in men triggers disorders linked to this chromosome earlier in men and boys. This is considered a factor contributing to the shorter lifespan.