SHAHEDNEWS: There may be certain signs in you indicating a serious need to see a psychologist.
According to SHAHEDNEWS, Everyone experiences stress, sadness, grief, and conflicts periodically, and 1 in 5 people in society suffers from depression. Therefore, when you feel upset, it can be difficult to determine if it’s time to consult a specialist about your problem.
Sadness, feelings of hopelessness, or worthlessness are signs of depression. Hopeless thoughts can include concerns about the future, believing you will never be happy, or feeling unmotivated to improve your situation.
Worry in small doses is normal, but if you're always anxious that something bad will happen, it can prevent you from enjoying life. If you find yourself worrying most days and unable to relax, this may be a sign of anxiety. Be sure to pay attention to any physical symptoms as well.
Do you sleep much more or less than usual? Depression and anxiety can affect sleep, and poor sleep can worsen symptoms. Having trouble sleeping during a stressful period is normal, but if insomnia lasts for weeks, it could be a serious issue.
If you are using substances, you might turn to drugs to cope with deep concerns. Therapy or counseling about addiction can help you understand the reasons behind substance use, as well as assist in reducing and quitting it.
A change in weight or appetite is one of the signs of depression. Therefore, if you find yourself eating excessively or not feeling hungry at all, it's important to consult a doctor.
Another sign that you may need treatment is feeling "lethargic," especially if you withdraw from activities you once enjoyed or distance yourself from social situations in general. These are important symptoms that should be addressed.
The death of a loved one is difficult for everyone. While everyone grieves, not everyone needs professional help. However, if you want to process your emotions, a therapist can help you heal from the wounds. This could apply to situations like divorce or losing a job.
Some unknown and unusual fears can disrupt your life and be harmful to your health. Fear of heights, fear of eating, and others are examples of these fears. An experienced therapist can help you overcome these fears and manage them effectively.
When we are emotionally upset, our bodies are affected. Research shows that stress can manifest as a range of physical illnesses, from chronic stomach discomfort to headaches, frequent colds, and more. Unusual complaints like muscle pain without a specific cause or neck pain may be signs of stress or emotional distress.
We all get angry and sad, but how intense are these feelings and how often do they occur? Do these emotions disrupt your ability to function or significantly alter your behavior?
Consistently overcoming feelings of fatigue or sadness may indicate an underlying issue. Do you immediately assume the worst when an unexpected challenge arises? Intense anxiety, where worry is disproportionate and treated as a realistic outcome, can be truly disabling.