Top Foods That Boost and Enhance Breast Milk Production

Posted 2025-01-02 07:42:21

SHAHEDNEWS: Breastfeeding women have experienced increased milk production by eating chickpeas since ancient Egypt. Chickpeas are a nutritious food with high protein content. This food has a high level of plant estrogen and can be added to salads and hummus.

Top Foods That Boost and Enhance Breast Milk Production

According to SHAHEDNEWS, Mothers want their breast milk to be nutritious enough to fully meet the nutritional needs of their babies. However, to make breast milk more nutritious, a mother's diet plays a crucial role, and she must consume foods that enhance milk production. But what are these foods?

What Are the Best Foods to Boost and Enhance Breast Milk Production?

Whole Grains

Whole grains are very beneficial for breastfeeding mothers. They are also believed to have properties that support the hormones responsible for milk production. Therefore, eating whole grains can strengthen breast milk. The most common grain used to enhance and enrich milk production is cooked oats. Brown rice, whole grains, oatmeal cookies, or other foods made from whole grains can also be used.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, spinach, and broccoli are packed with nutrients, especially calcium. They also contain phytoestrogens, which may have a positive effect on breast milk production.

Green Leafy Vegetables


Fennel is a Mediterranean plant. Fennel seeds add flavor and aroma to many different dishes, but fennel is also a vegetable that can be consumed raw or cooked. The bulb, stalk, and leaves of the fennel plant are edible, and you can add them to soups or stews. The plant's phytoestrogens may help breastfeeding mothers enhance and increase their breast milk production


Breastfeeding women have experienced increased milk production by consuming chickpeas since ancient Egypt. Chickpeas are a nutritious food high in protein. This food contains a high level of phytoestrogens and can be added to salads, hummus, or pastries.



Garlic is highly nutritious and has a significant impact on health in most diets. The nutrients in garlic can help breastfeeding mothers increase their milk production. Although garlic has a strong smell, it seems that some babies enjoy its taste. Studies suggest that milk with a garlic flavor may help prolong breastfeeding.

On the other hand, some babies may not tolerate garlic. If your baby has food sensitivities, it may be better to avoid garlic for a while.

Sesame Seeds

These seeds are rich in calcium and phytoestrogens, and breastfeeding mothers use sesame seeds to boost milk production. You can use sesame seeds on their own, add them to salads, or incorporate them into mixed nuts.

Sesame Seeds


Nuts, especially raw almonds, are healthy and packed with protein and calcium. Many breastfeeding mothers consume almonds or drink almond milk to increase the volume and richness of their milk.

Fresh Ginger Root

Fresh ginger is not only healthy but also helps increase breast milk and reduce reflux. You can easily incorporate fresh, raw ginger into your meals. Additionally, you can add fresh ginger to tea and drink it.

Fresh Ginger Root

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