Why Do Children Get Dark Circles Under Their Eyes?

Posted 2024-12-26 12:46:04

SHAHEDNEWS: Mothers who notice dark circles around their children's eyes often feel worried and stressed, wondering what could be the cause of the dark circles and hollowness under their children's eyes. To find the answer to this question, continue reading.

Why Do Children Get Dark Circles Under Their Eyes?

According to SHAHEDNEWS, Infants and children may develop dark circles under their eyes for the same reasons adults do. The skin under a child's eyes is very thin and sensitive, so their blood vessels are more visible. The dark circles under your child's eyes may be due to genetics, rubbing their eyes, or fatigue. They may also be developing a minor illness such as a cold, flu, or ear infection. Other causes of dark circles under your child's eyes include dehydration, lack of sleep, and injuries. If you are concerned about your child's dark circles, talk to your pediatrician.

Causes of Dark Circles Under the Eyes in Children

Lack of Sleep and Insufficient Eye Rest

Insufficient sleep or sleep disturbances in children can lead to dark circles around the eyes. Additionally, excessive use of phones, tablets, and prolonged TV watching can tire the eyes and cause dark circles around them. Therefore, it is important for children to have adequate and proper sleep throughout the day and also give their eyes rest for extended periods.

Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Genetic Issues

In some cases, dark circles around a child’s eyes can result from hereditary and genetic family traits. In such situations, if the child rubs their eyes or cries, dark rings may appear around their eyes.

Impact of Iron Deficiency and Anemia on Under-Eye Darkness

In certain instances, under-eye bruising and anemia are interrelated. When a child’s diet lacks iron-rich foods, their body may face iron deficiency, leading to anemia. This condition causes the blood vessels in the delicate areas of the skin to appear darker.

Vitamin Deficiency

You may wonder which vitamin deficiency causes dark circles around children’s eyes. A lack of vitamin A in a child’s body can lead to under-eye darkness. To prevent this, include vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and carrots, as well as various fruits and liver, in their diet.

Allergies, Asthma

Various allergies and asthma can contribute to the narrowing or blockage of airways that transport air to and from the lungs. This pressure on blood vessels can cause them to swell and form blood clots, particularly around the eyes, where the skin is thinner.

Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Sun Exposure

Another reason for dark circles under children’s eyes is sun exposure. Since children have more delicate and sensitive skin, prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to increased melanin production in their bodies. This causes darkening in the more sensitive areas of their skin.


Dehydration can also lead to dark circles in children. Given their high levels of activity, children must drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated and avoid this issue.

Snoring During Sleep

Like adults, children may snore while sleeping. This happens when the lymph node located behind their nasal passage becomes enlarged. In such cases, the child’s nasal passage gets blocked, leading to blood clots forming around their eyes.

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