What Are the Main Causes of Morning Headaches?

Posted 2024-12-31 12:26:14

SHAHEDNEWS: One of the factors that can disrupt a person's personal and social life is a morning headache, which can have various causes and factors. Depending on the timing of the headache, the type of pain, its duration, and factors such as the response to or lack of response to pain relievers, headaches are categorized into different types.

What Are the Main Causes of Morning Headaches?

According to SHAHEDNEWS, Morning headaches are common for many people. Various factors contribute to this, and the types of headaches can differ from one another. Sometimes, these headaches are migraine-related or occur due to the excessive use of a specific medication.

According to studies, headaches can be the third most common cause of various health conditions. While morning headaches are common, they should not be experienced frequently. For this reason, in this section, we will discuss the causes of morning headaches.

Causes of Morning Headaches

Morning headaches due to sinus inflammation

When inflammation occurs behind the nose, eyes, and cheeks (the front part of the head), severe headaches can occur upon waking up. In this case, it is necessary to treat the allergy or infection causing sinus swelling in order to reduce headache symptoms.

Morning headaches due to sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that occurs during sleep, where a person’s breathing stops for several seconds. As a result, the brain does not receive oxygen for a few seconds. Consequently, when the person wakes up, they experience a headache.

Sleep apnea has other symptoms, such as excessive fatigue and dark circles under the eyes (even if the person went to bed early). If you experience all these symptoms together, you might suspect sleep apnea. You can ask your spouse or a family member to observe you while you sleep. Snoring can also be another indication of sleep apnea. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor to evaluate and address the sleep apnea issue.

 Morning Headaches

Morning headaches due to poor sleep

In addition to sleep apnea, which is a clinical condition, there are other emotional and psychological factors that can prevent good sleep and full rest. Stress, daily worries, or anxiety can affect sleep quality. Many people go to bed late and wake up early, not getting a consistent 8 hours of sleep. These issues directly impact the quality of sleep.

Negative emotions and nightmares are also other causes of morning headaches. Remember, external noise or light (such as streetlight illumination, a running TV, etc.) can disrupt complete rest at night and lead to morning headaches.

Morning headaches due to muscle tension

If you don't get enough sleep, sleep in an improper position, experience nightmares, or suffer from insomnia, the muscles in your neck and shoulders become tense and exert pressure on your skull, leading to headaches. Therefore, it is important to use a proper pillow and mattress to ensure a comfortable and quality sleep, keeping your spine in a good position.


Morning headaches due to excessive medication

If your morning headaches occur more than twice a week, it is advisable to review the medications you are taking, whether prescribed by a doctor or taken on your own. Remember that overuse of painkillers can also lead to morning headaches.

Among the medications you should avoid overusing or taking without proper guidance are aspirin, paracetamol (acetaminophen), decongestants, and narcotic painkillers.

Morning headaches due to dehydration

Keep in mind that during sleep, you don’t consume any food or drink. However, it is essential to ensure proper hydration throughout the day. When you don't drink enough water, the blood vessels in the head constrict to regulate body fluids. This condition interferes with the delivery of oxygen to the blood, leading to headaches.

Morning Headaches

Morning headaches due to sleeping position

One common mistake that significantly affects how you wake up is sleeping in an improper position. People who sleep in a fetal position or face down are likely to wake up with issues like headaches, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, etc. In fact, it's best to avoid sleeping in positions where the head is lower than the body.

We recommend sleeping on your back or side. These positions are better than sleeping face down. Keep in mind that when your head and spine are aligned properly during sleep, blood circulation improves, which can significantly reduce morning headaches.

Morning headaches due to high blood pressure and diabetes

Both of these conditions can cause morning headaches. In both cases, the issue arises from the blood vessels, which become dilated. This leads to an increase in blood pressure and muscle tension, significantly contributing to the onset of headaches.

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